Easy-Ad Picture Ad Information

Easy-Ad offers several different ad styles on our website properties.

One of those ad styles is a Picture based advertisement. It’s a natural holdover from our previous decades of experience producing column inch based advertising newspapers

This is an explanation that goes a bit more in depth on our picture based ad buys that are priced at a flat fee. This is unheard of for a digital operation that offers such high throughput with regards to local and regional customers.

There are no smoke and mirrors here: our cost structure is lower for this type of advertisement and on the digital platforms and we think that value means something still. Especially when it comes to marketing. 

We also believe that our value proposition is exponentially higher than our competitors. Further we don’t see many true competitors in this space. We provide services and products that dwarf the value of our next closest “competitors”. 

We offer picture based ads because they provide immediate understanding for the viewing customer and still provide excellent click and buy-through. The following types are available currently:

PICTURE CLASSIFIED AD: https://gumroad.com/l/nyLBM

This ad style costs $7/month and is run-til-canceled

This is an advertisement that prioritizes you over all competitors in the segment. For the money this is an exceptional ROI ad type. You get above-the-fold placement in your market segment while competitors get placed lower.

Here is an example of what this ad style looks like:

300×300 AD ON CATEGORY PAGE OR OTHER PAGE (NO HOME PAGE): https://gumroad.com/l/XQQAx

This ad style costs $15/month and is run-til-canceled

This ad style offers great exposure in a market segment of your choice – that aligns with your business model. Depending on the page you can get thousands of views a week or more. Some pages get more than a thousand views a day 365 days a year.

Here is an example of what this ad style looks like:

HOMEPAGE AT OR ABOVE THE FOLD AD: https://gumroad.com/l/UEwHv

This ad style costs $100/month and is on a highly trafficked webpage, which gets many thousands of views per month; it is run-til-canceled

This ad unit also gets preferential treatment because many viewers in our large customer database click through to this page on direct visits to our website,  as repeat viewers. This means you can reinforce your brand with local customers to build understanding and relevance with them. 

Here is an example of what this ad style looks like:

Standing Desk