Legislative News – 08-03-2021

Tennesse sued by the Human Rights Campaign for “Bathroom Bill” 

  • The federal lawsuit filed by the Human Rights Campaign challenges the state’s “bathroom bill,” a measure that restricts school bathroom use by transgender people
  • The law will specifically ban transgender students or employees from using multi-person bathrooms or locker rooms not for their gender

Infrastructure bill leaves out key steps to promoting “climate resilience”

  • Under the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package, more than $150 billion will go towards boosting clean energy and promoting “climate resilience”
  • The package will do this by making schools, ports, and other structures better able to withstand extreme weather events like wildfires and storms
  • The bill still does not meet President Joe Biden’s claim to transform the country’s fossil-fuel reliant economy into a clean-energy one by 2035

By K Buenavista

Mr. Buenavista is a writer that specializes in breaking down complex topics into easy to understand formats that appeal to a wide range of news seeking readers, without missing the important details. He handles a majority of the daily news reporting at Easy-Ad, and has written on many other websites. He resides in Southern California.